Cabin – Pond A

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Pond A was like most ponds early on, lots of moss and algae; great for fish, but not for fishing. Not liking chemicals, I solved the problem with channel catfish, if you have enough channel cats, they will eat the moss. Once I added carp, between the carp and channel cats, Pond A is normally moss free and they eat the grass when it is mowed and blown into the pond edges. Pond A has the largest amount of huge catfish, they surely eat allot of fish, yet there always seems to be plentiful small fish, thanks to the carp supplying millions of minnows. The Predator fish have all the food they want and are not easily caught. 

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A walk around view

Beside the house, this is the deepest part, 16 feet deep

The left side, is very shallow and leads to the main pond

This large deck connects the 2 smaller ponds

This bridge connects the 2 small ponds to the main pond

Looking left while on the bridge

Looking to the middle

The the right

Looking back at the pond by the house

A large “live – bait” tank

100 gallon a minute deep-well water. This well flows through all the ponds.

Graveled banks / mowed

Pond “A” has some lights and several water / electric areas

Where you see trash cans, there is fish food inside. There are no trash cans for trash! The motto is:

Take “Nothing”

Leave “Nothing”

Looking back towards house / barn

Long Deck

Pond “A” is the best pond when seeking to fish for large Carp, some Channel Catfish and the Largest Catfish. This pond normally has no moss, because there are allot of fish, but they have not been fished much for the past 12+ years, they are extremely smart. The big carp are the easiest to catch, but even they tell the others and each “next” fish is harder to catch than the last.The Bass were stocked 30 years ago and never fished for; 99.9% of the bass have never- ever been caught, they can be seen when spawning, they are there, they just do not bite easily. Your “best” odds of catching a 60+ pound catfish is in this pond, they are not impossible to catch, but close to it. They have all the food they could want, thanks to the carp. I see baby channel cats, bluegills, small bass—so I am certain the huge catfish live on smaller catfish and they will eat a 5 pound, even a 10 pound channel cat. Muskrats will not live where there are 50+ pound catfish, the fish will eat them.