2022 Puppies
For Sale
Central Ohio
All questions, e-mail: askmh108@earthlink.net
German Shepherds
The all black, German Shepherds
German Shepards can be some of the greatest dogs for country living or even as house dogs. Having 1 dog inside and 1 dog loose outside would be the ultimate / general home protection.
The all black German Shepherds I believe have a “natural” desire to be with 1 person as much as they possibly can; if they had a choice, they would never leave your side. They often will sleep out side your bedroom window and try to stay close to you. They; like most dogs, live and exist to be with you. They learn as well as any dog can and much; just comes “Naturally” to them. They say when training your puppy, repeat the same command 7 days in a row and they will learn.
For Sale
9 Puppies – Selling fast
March 1st 2022
Loving fresh goats milk with Wild Oregano Oil